The Evolution of Hybrid Classrooms: A Journey from Concept to Cutting-Edge Innovation

The Evolution of Hybrid Classrooms: A Journey from Concept to Cutting-Edge Innovation

Back in 2016, Code3AV was tasked with designing a hybrid classroom featuring many elements that are standard today but were groundbreaking at the time. The project presented a set of challenges that required innovative solutions and forward-thinking design.

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Initial Need Assessment

From the initial needs assessment, the following requirements were identified:

  • Mix-minus microphone system: 35 mics for 70 seats, with low-profile, rugged microphone stations.
  • Open discussion forum: A system that promotes free speech without restrictions.
  • Professional video output: Automated camera switching for fluid video production.
  • Automated PTZ camera positioning: Focus on the “active” microphone to reduce manpower needed for video support.
  • Integration with Zoom: Compatibility with an OFE computer running the Zoom video conference cloud service.

While these specifications might seem routine now, back in 2016, they were both exciting and challenging to address.

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Initial Solution

Our solution involved installing five cameras around the room to cover all student seats and provide a clear view of the professor. We selected a Shure conference system for the microphones and speakers, deconstructing it into a more durable desk interface. An Analog Way seamless video switcher was chosen for the video output, a Crestron control system provided for control of the environment and the audiovisual system, and a Biamp Tesira DSP handled echo cancellation, mixing, and EQ capabilities.

Initially, students had to press a button at their desk to enter a queue. The professor would then recognize a student, and the cameras would switch to focus on them until the next speaker was recognized. This manual process, though effective, was cumbersome.

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Enhancing Automation

Our client was impressed, but not fully satisfied. They asked us to enable the automatic features of the Shure conference system. We integrated this with the Biamp DSP to automatically detect the active microphone, allowing students to speak freely without waiting for recognition. This transformed the system, creating a seamless and intuitive experience. This enabled the free-flowing discussion and debate that our client was looking for. It felt like magic. It felt like we had built a flying car!

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Continuous Improvement

Over the years, advancements in technology and the challenges of the Covid pandemic created a perfect storm of need and innovation. We replaced desk microphones with ceiling microphone arrays, which provided excellent audio quality and location data for camera zones. Although this required a compromise in framing shots for three or more students instead of one, it significantly reduced costs without sacrificing audio quality.

Another advancement around this same time was the facial recognition automatic tracking camera, enabling more dynamic and natural video shots of the professor as they move about the room. The development of ceiling microphones capable of reporting precise coordinates allowed us to prototype a system that could track speakers' positions accurately and move the camera to that position.

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The 1Beyond System

A major breakthrough came with the release of the 1Beyond automatic camera system, which consolidated new technologies into a user-friendly appliance. Although setup was initially manual and complex, the system was highly flexible and replicable across similar rooms. We found that these systems were just as capable as our custom solutions, and they were easier to integrate.

Now, with 1Beyond under Crestron's ownership, setting up these systems is as simple as dragging and dropping devices onto a room layout. This drastic reduction in setup time, from weeks to a single day, demonstrates the system's evolving efficiency.

The AI Revolution - A Vision Realized

This year, the integration of AI into cameras represents the latest technological leap. AI capabilities enhance tracking and framing, promising even more precise and visually appealing video production. Although still in Beta, these features are expected to become mainstream soon.

The hybrid classroom has evolved significantly since 2016. Code3AV has been privileged to collaborate with visionary clients, pushing the boundaries of technology to deliver world-class experiences. Whether for students, lawmakers, or business leaders, our mission remains clear: to facilitate communication, idea exchange, and relationship building through cutting-edge technology.

That’s the vision of Code3AV. To learn more about AV solutions from Code3AV, reach out to our team today.

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